



We beat them in the match.(我們在比賽中擊敗了他們。)

I will strike my match on one of them.(我將用其中的一個劃著名我的火柴。)

I was no match for him at football.(踢足球我根本不是他的對手。)

She carefully matched her accessories with her dress.(她精心地將配飾與她的連衣裙搭配起來。)

The curtains and carpet are a good match.(窗簾和地毯非常相配。)

Jo and Ian are a perfect match for each other.(喬和伊恩真是天造地設的一對。)

I've found a vase that is an exact match of the one I broke.(我找到了一隻花瓶,和我打碎的那個一模一樣。)

Make a match: The recruiter made a perfect match between the job and the candidate's skills.(招聘人員成功地將工作和候選人的技能完美匹配。)