

prior to造句

"Prior to"這個短語用於表示某事發生在另一件事之前。以下是一些使用"prior to"的句子示例:

"This task is prior to all others." 這項任務比所有其他任務都重要。

"It happened prior to my arrival." 這發生在我到達之前。

"What did you do prior to coming here?" 你來這裡之前做什麼事?

"The contract will be signed prior to the ceremony." 契約將在儀式之前簽署。

"You must cancel the active file transfer prior to sending a file." 傳送檔案之前,你必須取消正在進行中的檔案傳送。

"Prior to the writing of a poem, I have a feeling of vague potentiality." 寫詩之前我會感到一種模糊的潛能。

"Prior to treatment, water may be stored in natural or artificial basins." 處理之前,水可積蓄在天然或人工池中。

"Please submit your report prior to the deadline." 請在截止日期之前提交你的報告。

"RHK set up its own newsroom prior to that, news bulletins were prepared by the Government Information. 香港廣播電台設立新聞部,在此以前,新聞簡報由政府新聞處提供。"

"Of the 51 projects that had been launched prior to 1998, 48 have been completed. 1998年以前開工的51個樞紐續建項目已完成48個。"

以上句子展示了"prior to"的不同用法,涵蓋了從日常事務到歷史事件的多種情境。"