



"I've said all there is to be said on the subject." - 關於這個問題我要說都說完了。

"They said the baby was in distress." - 他們說嬰兒呼吸困難。

"I said nothing." - 我什麼也沒說。

"She said this in a joke." - 她說這話是開玩笑。

"He is said to be missing." - 據說他失蹤了。

"She said that she was satisfied." - 她說她滿足了。

"The judge pronounced for the defendant, and also said that his opponent should pay the court costs." - 法官作出有利於被告的判決, 並要原告償付法庭費用。

"That child! Whatever you said, he simply wouldn't listen." - 這孩子, 饒怎麼說他也不聽。

"Every word he said hit the nail on the head." - 他說的真是頭頭是道。

"IwillplayinthisWorld Cupasif it is thelastchanceforme," Mr. Parksaidinasportsblog. - 朴智星在一個體育部落格上說,本屆世界盃我將以抓住最後機會的心態全力以赴。"