



1. 如果有來生,要做一棵樹, 站成永恆, 沒有悲歡的姿勢。

If I had to come back as a being, I would be a tree, standing forever, without posing in front of grief and joy.

2. 歲月極美, 在於它必然的流逝。 春花、秋月、夏日、冬雪。

The beauty of time is very great, lies in its inevitable passing. Spring flowers, autumn moon, summer days, winter snow.

3. 世上的事情, 多多少少總有它的道理, 怨天尤人常常無濟於事。

There is always a reason for things in this world, and lamenting over others often doesn't help much.

4. 紅塵十丈, 茫茫的人海, 竟還是自己的來處。

The world is vast and full of crowds, yet even in this vast expanse, one still finds their own origins.

5. 人海茫茫, 都是時光的過客。

In the vast expanse of the world, everyone is just a transient guest in time.

6. 如果有來生, 要做一個單純的人。

If I had to come back as a being, I would be a simple person.

7. 生命的過程, 無論是陽春白雪, 青菜豆腐, 我都得嘗嘗是什麼滋味, 不去羨慕任何人, 因為自己就是幸福的。

The process of life, whether it's playing high-brow music or eating plain vegetables, I must taste it all and not envy anyone, because I am already happy.

8. 我唯一鍥而不捨,願意以自己的生命去努力的, 只不過是保守我個人的心懷意念, 在我自我小小的一片天地里, 守著簡單的安靜和平和。

The only thing that I persistently work hard with my own life is to keep my personal thoughts and beliefs, and to maintain a simple peace and tranquility in my own small world.