



* 品格是一種支撐人性的東西,它是一塊基石。 Character is something that supports humanity, it is a foundation stone.

* 品德是一枚回聲,你以什麼樣的態度對待它,它就會以同樣的態度回報你。 Character is an echo, it will return the same attitude to you if you treat it with what attitude.

* 良好的品德是成大事的唯一秘訣。 Good character is the only secret for success.

* 品格是一種內在的力量,它能使人超越自己。 Character is an internal force that can make people surpass themselves.

* 德行如寶石,善良是其光芒。 Good character is like a precious gem, and kindness is its radiance.

* 美德和缺點相伴而行,優點和過錯交相輝映。 Virtue and vice go hand in hand, and strengths and faults shine together.