

寓言故事in english

Here are some classic fable stories in English:

1. The Tortoise and the Hare:

A tortoise and a hare were competing in a race. The tortoise started off slowly but steadily, while the hare was eager to win and ran as fast as he could. After a while, the hare was far ahead of the tortoise, but he soon tired out and fell asleep. The tortoise, on the other hand, kept going and eventually won the race.

This story teaches us that slow and steady wins the race, even if it seems like we are lagging behind others.

2. The Farmer and the Phonograph:

A farmer heard a phonograph playing nearby and thought it was a snake moving around in his barn. He became frightened and shot at it, which ended up breaking the phonograph. He then realized that it was a machine that made music and not a real snake.

This story teaches us to be careful not to make hasty decisions based on incorrect assumptions.

3. The Boy Who Cried Wolf:

A boy who lived on a farm went around crying "wolf, wolf" whenever he saw a stranger in the village. But when the real wolf came, he did not call out because he had been warned so many times before. This story teaches us that if we make a habit of exaggerating or lying, people will no longer trust our warnings when we really need them to.

4. The Spider and the Fly:

A fly landed on a spider's web and tried to brush off the sticky glue with its wings. But it accidentally made the web tighter around its body. The spider, who was watching, tried to help the fly by using its legs to untie the web, but inadvertently let go of its own web. The fly was saved but the spider lost its web forever.

This story teaches us that we should not make hasty decisions without considering all the consequences of our actions.

5. The Lion and the Mouse:

A mouse was playing near a lion's den when it accidentally scratched the lion's foot. The lion was angry and wanted to kill the mouse, but then decided to let it go after realizing that it was just a small mouse. Later on, when the mouse saw an opportunity, it saved the lion from being attacked by another lion.

This story teaches us that we should not judge others by their appearance or status, but rather by their true character and actions.