



1. You know - one always loves the place one belongs to.

2. It is only with the heart that one can see rightly, what is essential is invisible to the eye.

3. You know - it is sad to say goodbye.

4. I am responsible for everything that has happened.

5. The image of the rose was more important than the things of this world.

6. You become responsible for the things you dream about.

7. It is only with the heart that one can see rightly, what is essential is invisible to the eye!

8. It is only with love that one can love truly, and it is only with truth that one can be honest.

9. You have to look at two things - with your eyes! And you have to love them!


1. 你知道,你屬於哪,你就愛上哪。

2. 只有用心去看,才能看清事物的本質。最重要的東西是眼睛看不見的。

3. 離別總是令人傷感的。

4. 我對發生的一切負有責任。

5. 玫瑰的形象比世界上任何東西都重要。

6. 你得擔負起你夢寐以求的東西。

7. 只有用心靈才能看得清事物本質,真正重要的東西肉眼是看不見的!

8. 只有用愛去愛人,才會真誠相待。

9. 你得用眼睛去看,用心靈去感受!真正重要的東西,肉眼是看不見的!
