








Once upon a time, there was a kitten named Kitty who was playing on a tree. Suddenly, she saw a little mouse looking for food below the tree. Kitty was very curious and she decided to go and help the little mouse.

Kitty walked down the tree and approached the little mouse. She helped the little mouse find some food and they started to chat. Kitty told the little mouse that she loved playing with friends and she hoped they could explore this wonderful world together.

The little mouse was moved by Kitty's kindness and enthusiasm, and he agreed to join Kitty's gang of adventurers. They walked through fields, climbed trees, and even learned how to help each other and cooperate. This journey taught them many interesting things and deepened their friendship.

This story teaches children to be kind to every little animal, face challenges bravely, share their happiness with others, and learn new things in their journeys. It can inspire children to read and understand the importance of friendship, cooperation, and respect.