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He entered the cave and found it very dark, unable to see anything. He felt his way forward and suddenly felt his feet on something hard. He squatted down and felt it, which turned out to be a shiny stone. He picked it up and saw that it was a very beautiful gem.

Xiao Ming continued to walk and found that there were many such gems in the cave. He was very excited and thought that these gems must be worth a lot of money. So he decided to take them back to the village and sell them.

On the way home, Xiao Ming met an old man. They asked him where he came from, and Xiao Ming told him about the discovery of the gems. The old man asked him to tell him more about it. Xiao Ming then told him about the mysterious gems in the cave and their magical powers.

The old man also told Xiao Ming that there were many treasures in the cave but they needed to find the right key to open them. Xiao Ming listened to the old man's advice and decided to continue exploring the cave to find more treasures.

After a lot of effort, Xiao Ming finally found the key. He used it to open a treasure box deep in the cave, which contained a magical cloak and a magic wand. The cloak could make him invisible, while the magic wand could let him fly in the sky.

Xiao Ming was very grateful for the old man's advice and help, and they became good friends. From then on, Xiao Ming led a happy life, using the magical clothes and wand to help people in the village solve many problems.