



* 煩惱如同一杯白開水,只要你涼一涼,就會變得像白醋,是那樣的無味,那樣地讓人不好喝。 But troubles are like a glass of plain water. If you let it cool down, it will turn into vinegar like white wine. They are tasteless and unpleasant to drink.

* 煩惱是一顆定時炸彈,若是任其存在,一旦爆發後果將不堪構想。 Worry is like an explosive, if left unchecked, it could have catastrophic consequences once it explodes.

* 人生不如意十之八九,不要和自己過不去,讓自己每天開開心心才是最重要的。 Eight out of ten things in life are not as expected. Don't let yourself be unhappy, and make yourself happy every day is the most important thing.

* 放下煩惱,才能更好地擁抱快樂。 Let go of worries to embrace happiness better.

* 別為小小的煩惱,皺眉而浪費美麗心情。 Don't waste your beautiful mood with a frown over small troubles.

* 別把煩惱留給明天,明天的煩惱永遠多到明天。 Don't bring tomorrow's troubles tomorrow. Tomorrow always has more troubles than tomorrow.
