



1. Time is money.(時間就是金錢。)

2. Waste not time with those who have no use for it.(不要把時間浪費在那些沒有用處的人身上。)

3. Time flies.(光陰似箭。)

4. Time and tide wait for no man.(時間不等人。)

5. Make time for your dreams.(為夢想騰出時間。)

6. Quality, not quantity.(注重質量,而非數量。)

7. Use your time to better advantage.(利用好你的時間。)

8. The best way to not miss something is to make sure you are always on time.(要想不錯過任何事情,最好的辦法就是永遠守時。)

9. Time is a great teacher, but there are no second chances.(時間是一位偉大的老師,但不會有第二次機會。)

10. Time is a friend who never forgets, never hurts, and always remains the same.(時間是一位永遠不會忘記、永遠不會傷害、永遠保持不變的朋友。)