



春水帶愁山帶月:Pour over sb a cup of spring water, leaving the mountain before,and a moon behind, with nothing else for the saddened person to do but wait.(將一杯春水贈予對方,山在眼前,月隨其後,愁緒滿懷,唯有等待。)

笑問客從何處來:Laughter and inquiry from a stranger. (好奇的詢問來自何方)

還有雙鯉魚:A pair of fish.(一對鯉魚)

相逢何必曾相識:Encounter people who you know, you don't have to be familiar with each other.(遇見你之前,我不認識你)

一蓑一笠一扁舟:A small boat, a hat, and a long coat.(一葉扁舟、一頂斗笠、一件蓑衣)

一寸相思一寸灰:Every inch of love hurts.(每一寸相思都令人痛苦)

人約黃昏後:The time for a rendezvous in the dusk.(黃昏時分相約)

人間有味是清歡:The taste of purity and tranquility in this world is the most enjoyable.(人間有味,最是清歡)

曾經滄海難為水:The sea that has been seen is no longer considered water.(經歷過滄海,其他的水都不足以稱奇)

千山鳥飛絕:Birds flying over thousands of mountains.(千山鳥飛絕,萬徑人蹤滅)
