




* 牛肉麵:牛肉麵的湯頭濃郁鮮美,配料豐富,麵條彈牙有嚼勁,深受台灣人民喜愛。牛肉麵源自中國北方,但在台灣經過改良和創新,形成了獨特的台灣風味。

* 臭豆腐:臭豆腐在台灣是一種非常受歡迎的小吃,其特點是外酥內嫩,味道獨特。雖然聞起來有些臭,但吃起來卻十分美味。

* 雞肉飯:台灣的雞肉飯是一道非常美味的佳肴,其特點是雞肉鮮嫩,米飯香糯,搭配上特製的醬汁,味道鮮美無比。

* 甜不辣:甜不辣是台灣非常常見的小吃,其特點是外酥里嫩,味道香甜。通常搭配米飯和湯一起食用。


* Beef Noodle Soup: The rich and flavorful broth, a variety of toppings, and the elastic texture of the noodles make beef noodles a popular dish in Taiwan. It originated in northern China, but has been adapted and innovated in Taiwan to create a unique Taiwanese flavor.

* Stinky Tofu: Stinky tofu is a popular snack in Taiwan, known for its crispy outside and tender inside, and unique flavor. Although it may smell a bit rank, it is delicious to eat.

* Chicken Rice: Taiwanese Chicken Rice is a delicious dish that combines freshly cooked chicken with fragrant rice, served with a special sauce. It is a popular dish in Taiwan.

* Sweet Burger: Sweet Burger is a common snack in Taiwan, characterized by its crispy outside and soft inside, and a sweet taste. It is usually served with rice and soup.
