



故事標題: A Light in the Dark

Once upon a time, there was a little boy named John. He lived in a dark and stormy night, and he often felt lonely and lost. He wished he could find a way to brighten up his life.

One day, John was walking down the street when he noticed a mysterious light shining through the clouds. Curious, he followed the light until it led him to a small cottage in the woods. He found a old man sitting by a fire, reading a book.

"You seem lost, young man," the old man said kindly. "What brings you to my little corner of the world?"

John told him about his loneliness and desire for brightness in his life. The old man smiled and handed him a lamp with a beautiful, glowing lampshade. "This lamp will give you the brightness you seek," he said. "But you must use it wisely."

John was overjoyed and thanked the old man many times. He took the lamp home and placed it on his shelf. Each night, he would light the lamp and watch the bright light fill his room. He felt a sense of warmth and comfort, and his spirits lifted.

However, John also realized that the lamp required oil every so often to keep lit. He went out and gathered fresh oil from nature's bounty around him, and filled the lamp regularly. Gradually, he found himself feeling more confident, happy, and content with his life.

One day, John met a friend of his who was also feeling lost and alone. He handed over the lamp and told him the story behind it. His friend was amazed by the light it gave off and how it had changed John's life. He decided to use the lamp himself and follow John's example of kindness, courage, and brightness.

The moral of the story is that light can come from within ourselves, or it can be provided by others. But in either case, we must use it wisely and nourish it with love and kindness to truly make a difference in our lives and those around us.
