



1. "My heart is broken, like a lost piece of broken china."(我的心碎了,就像一塊破碎的瓷器。)

2. "I'm lost without you, like a ship without a rudder."(沒有你,我就像一艘沒有舵的船,失去了方向。)

3. "I miss you so much, it hurts like a missing tooth."(我非常想念你,痛苦得就像少了一顆牙齒。)

4. "The world is a little darker without you in it."(沒有你在身邊,世界變得暗淡了許多。)

5. "I wish I could turn back time, just like in a movie."(我希望我能像電影裡一樣,讓時間倒流。)

6. "I feel like I'm walking on clouds, but they're just sad clouds."(我感覺自己像是在雲端漫步,但它們只是悲傷的雲。)

7. "It's hard to let go, even though I know it's best for me."(很難放手,即使我知道這是為了我好。)

8. "The best thing to do is to pick myself up, dust myself off, and keep moving forward."(最好的辦法就是振作起來,撣掉身上的塵土,繼續前進。)

9. "Everyday without you feels like a million miles away."(每一天沒有你的感覺就像距離你一千萬英里。)
