



1. "Family is the people you come back to when you need a hand held, someone to listen, and someone who understands the crazy mess of life."

2. "When someone shows you who they are, believe them."

3. "Our love is the best family superpower. It's what gets us through the toughest of times, and brings us together for the greatest of moments."

4. "No one understands you like those who have walked before you through the same paths."

5. "We may grow up and spread our wings, but our family will always be there for us."

6. "When you look back on your life, the people who truly matter are the ones who have been there for you through the good and the bad."

7. "Family is not just those who are related by blood, but those who have shared your life and stood by your side through thick and thin."

8. "A family is not made up of the people you're born with, but the ones you choose to be with."
