



1. 你的工作將占據你生活的一部分,但你不應因此而討厭它。你必須喜歡你所從事的工作。只有這樣你才能做得更好。

Your work will occupy a part of your life, but you shouldn't hate it for that. You must enjoy the work you do. Only then can you do it better.

2. 成為墳墓中最有錢的人,對我來說毫無意義。因為我懂得生命的重要性,我真正關心的是如何讓自己的生命變得更豐富多彩。

Being the richest person in the cemetery does not interest me. What I want to know is how to make my life more meaningful.

3. 不要失去對美好的想像,它就像種子一樣,在心靈深處紮根,終將開出美麗的花朵。

Don't lose sight of what's beautiful. It's like a seed that takes root deep in your heart and will eventually bloom into something beautiful.

4. 不要等到明天,明天太遙遠,今天就做。

Don't wait until tomorrow, tomorrow is too far away. Do it today.

5. 不要把今天的事情留給明天,因為明天是明天的明天,而今天應做的事情,今天卻不做,將會影響深遠。

Don't leave today's tasks for tomorrow, because tomorrow will always be tomorrow, and if you don't do what should be done today, it will affect you profoundly.

6. 人生就像一部電影,你從不知道什麼時候會結束,所以你要儘可能地讓自己的表演更加精彩。

Life is like a movie, you never know when it will end, so you have to make sure to make your performance as great as possible.

7. 學習失敗。每一次嘗試都是一種學習。你應該欣然接受並感謝自己有機會學習如何處理失敗,從中汲取經驗並成為自己未來的避風港。

Learn from failure. Every attempt is a learning experience. You should accept and appreciate the opportunity to learn how to handle failure and draw lessons from it to become a shelter for your future self.
