



* 人生沒有彩排,每一天都是現場直播,所以每一刻都應該活得精彩。Life is like a live performance; there is no rewind for today. Therefore, every moment should be lived brilliantly.

* 人生就像一場馬拉松,重要的不是終點,而是沿途的風景和奔跑的過程。Life is like a marathon, what matters is not the destination, but the scenery along the way and the process of running.

* 人生沒有如果,只有後果和結果。There is no "if" in life, only consequences and outcomes.

* 人生就像一場戲,因為有緣才相聚。Life is like a play, because it's fate that we meet.

* 勇敢面對人生,做自己的英雄。Face life bravely, be your own hero.

* 夢想是注定孤獨的旅行,路上少不了質疑和嘲笑。Dreams are a lonely journey destined for doubt and ridicule.

* 生命不止,奮鬥不息。Life is not over until you give up striving.

* 時光不等人,珍惜時間,才能擁有更多。Time doesn't wait for anyone, cherishing time is the key to having more.

* 不管你昨天多么疲憊,今天仍需勇敢面對。No matter how tired you were yesterday, you still have to face today bravely.
