


蕾哈娜的歌詞中有一段是這樣描述的:「All along it was a fever 愛戀如同潮汐般席捲神經 A cold sweat high-headed believer 我們就像甜蜜又狂熱的信徒 I threw my hands in the air I said 我攤開雙手懸浮在半空中 Show me something 證明你所謂的愛我 He said if you dare come a little closer 他說 若你有勇氣就讓我們再靠近一些 Round and around and around and around we go 情路漫漫且又波瀾曲折 Oh now tell me now tell me now tell me now you know 喔 若定終身且勿忘告知於我 Not really sure how to feel about it 難以言表我的內心感受 Something in the way you move 你所有的言行舉止 Makes me feel like I can t live without you 我深陷於愛河無法自拔 不可度過無你的春秋年月 It takes me all the way 我一路驅使著我那疲憊的靈魂 I want you to stay 唯有願君留下 It s not much of a life you re living 你的生活應該更加精彩 It s not just something you take it s given 愛不僅僅局限於占有 更在於給予 Round and around and around and around we go 情路必然峰迴路轉 但也必會迂迴 Oh now tell me now tell me now tell me now you know 喔 若定終身且勿忘告知於我 Not really sure how to feel about it」。