



His feelings were part anger, part relief. 他感到既憤怒,又解脫。

News of their safety came as a great relief. 他們平安的訊息給大家帶來了巨大的安慰。

It was a relief to be able to talk to someone about it. 能和別人談談這件事,感到舒心多了。

She sighed with relief that it was all over. 事情總算全都過去了,她輕鬆地舒了一口氣。

He contribute half of his savings to the relief fund. 他將積蓄的一半捐獻給救濟基金會。

It』s a relief to get out of the office once in a while. 偶爾走出辦公室去透透氣也是一種調劑。

We all breathed a sigh of relief when he left. 當他走了以後,我們大家都如釋重負地舒了口氣。

Much to my relief, the car was not damaged. 令我非常慶幸的是車並沒有損壞。

It was a relief to know at least that. 好吧,至少知道也是一種釋放。

Oh my God! What a relief! 我的天啊!真是鬆了一口氣!
