



The investigation revealed the true cause of the accident. 調查揭示了事故的真正原因。

She refused to reveal the source of her information. 她拒絕透露訊息的來源。

The x-ray revealed a fracture in his leg. X光片顯示他的腿骨折了。

His face revealed his true feelings. 他的表情透露出了他的真實感受。

The document revealed secret plans for the invasion. 檔案揭示了入侵的秘密計劃。

The scientist revealed the results of his latest research. 科學家公布了他最新研究的結果。

The curtains were drawn back to reveal the stage set. 窗簾拉開後,露出了舞檯布景。

The journalist promised not to reveal the identity of his informant. 新聞工作者答應不透露提供訊息人的身份。

The painting reveals the artist's skill and imagination. 這幅畫顯示了畫家的技巧和想像力。

Further investigation revealed more evidence of corruption. 進一步的調查揭示了更多腐敗的證據。