



She is still weak after her illness. 她病後仍然虛弱。

His legs felt weak. 他覺得兩腿發軟。

She suffered from a weak heart. 她心臟不好。

That bridge is too weak for heavy traffic. 那座橋不太牢固,承受不住過多的車輛。

He was a weak and cowardly man. 一個懦弱膽怯的男子。

In a weak moment, I said she could borrow the car. 我一時心軟,同意她借用汽車。

I was too weak to move or think or speak. 我太虛弱了,無法動彈,無法思考,也無法說話。

His arms and legs were weak. 他的四肢虛弱無力。

Until the beating, Cantanco's eyesight had been weak, but adequate. 挨打前坎坦科的視力就一直很弱,不過也還勉強看得見。

You have been conditioned to believe that it is weak to be scared. 你已經習慣性地認為害怕就是軟弱。

His weak voice was almost inaudible. 他的聲音微弱,幾乎聽不見。

He cannot run because he has a weak heart. 他有心臟病,不能跑。

The country suffered years of misrule under a weak king. 該國因國王懦弱而長期混亂不治。

His weak chest was a legacy of a childhood illness. 他那瘦弱的胸脯是兒時患病的後遺症。

With such a weak heart, she was lucky to come through (the operation). 她心臟很弱,(手術後)能活下來就是萬幸。

He will be considered a weak leader. 他會被認為是個軟弱無能的領導人。