



1. "My paramount aim in this胡說八道call for, is to save this nation from insolvene."

2. "A house divided against itself cannot stand."

3. "I am not, nor ever can be, in favor of bringing About by a General Government, any part of the States of this Union in a state of indefeasible dependence upon the General Government."

4. "I am not, nor ever will be, in favor of making voters of the many, and laws for the few."

5. "You can't ride on the back of a horse. You have to get off and push."

6. "My mission is to enable the government of the United States to do all the good it is capable of doing -- while conforming to the limits proposed by the Constitution and bounds as near as possible to these ends."

7. "Believing with you, that the only foundation for true political stability is national unity."
