



1. Love is like a game of chess: you need to know how to move your pieces correctly in order to win. (愛情就像一場棋局:你需要知道如何正確移動你的棋子才能獲勝。)

2. I can't believe I ever loved you. (我不敢相信我曾經愛你。)

3. My heart aches for the love I lost. (我心痛我失去的愛情。)

4. Love hurts, but it also heals. (愛情會傷人,但它也會治癒。)

5. Time heals all wounds. (時間會治癒一切。)

6. My heart is empty without you. (沒有你,我的心空洞不已。)

7. I miss you so much, but I have to let you go. (我非常想念你,但我必須讓你走。)

8. Love is like a beautiful rose: it hurts to hold it, but it's worth the pain. (愛情就像美麗的玫瑰:擁有它會很痛,但痛並快樂著。)

9. I wish I could hold onto your love forever, but life is like the ocean: it takes everything in its wake. (我希望我能永遠抓住你的愛,但生活就像海洋:它帶走一切。)

10. I wish I could forget about you, but my heart won't let me. (我希望我能忘記你,但我的心不允許。)
