



* 成功就是當我說出一句真話,同時也已想通另一句真話。

Success is when you say one truth, and simultaneously understand another truth.

* 想像力比知識更重要。

Imagination is more important than knowledge.

* 推理是一切知識的源泉,想像力是科學家的實在因素。

Rationality is the source of all knowledge, and imagination is the practical element of the scientist.

* 世間的任何人都不要對他人給予道德評判,不要進行論斷,無論他人在自己的生活軌跡中是多么的卑劣,因為他們所做的惡行並不能決定他們本人的人格,如同蒼蠅不因其偶爾傳播的病毒而否定其是生命的本質。

No one in this world should make moral judgments or statements about others, no matter how despicable they may be in their own lives. Their actions do not determine their character, nor should we judge a person as inherently evil because of their bad deeds, just as we should not judge a fly as inherently evil because it occasionally spreads viruses.
