



* Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get. (生活就像一盒朱古力,你永遠不知道你會得到什麼。)

* Love is like a game of chess. You need to know how to move ahead in order to win. (愛情就像一場西洋棋比賽。你需要知道如何向前邁進,才能獲勝。)

* Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions. (幸福不是一件現成的東西。它來自於你自己的行動。)

* The greatest gift you can give someone is the courage to be themselves. (你能給予某人最好的禮物就是讓他們勇敢做自己。)

* Trust is not something handed out easily. It requires time, effort, and communication. (信任不是輕易就能給出的。它需要時間、努力和溝通。)

* The secret to a happy marriage is not having everything the same, but realizing that we're on the same team. (一段幸福的婚姻的秘訣在於並非所有的事物都一成不變,而是要意識到我們是在同一戰線。)

* A friend is someone who reaches for your hand even when you have only one. (朋友是那些在你只有一隻手也能緊緊握住你的手的人。)
