



* Love is like a butterfly. It goes where it pleases and sings what it pleases.(愛情就像一隻蝴蝶,它飛到哪就停在哪,隨意而自由。)

* Love is a touch and yet not a touch.(愛是一次擁抱卻又不是一次觸碰。)

* Love is something that cannot be taught but rather learned.(愛情是無法教會的,而要自己去領悟。)

* When two hearts grow closer together, there is no distance too far.(當兩顆心靠近的時候,天涯海角也不會有距離。)

* Love is patient and love is kind. It does not envy another's happiness, nor does it resent another's success.(愛情是耐心的,愛情是善良的,它不會嫉妒他人的幸福,也不會因他人的成功而心生怨恨。)

* Love is not a matter of counting the days. It's making the days count.(愛情不是數著日子過去,讓它們變得有意義。)

* Love is not a matter of emotion but of feeling.(愛情不是感性的事情,而是內心的感覺。)

* Love is like the ocean; it never gives up.(愛情就像海洋,它永遠不會放棄。)
