



1. "祝福你們用愛情去把握生活,用真誠去經營愛情,用熱情去守護幸福!" This wedding wishes that you use love to grasp life, use sincerity to manage love, and use passion to guard happiness!

2. "願你們的愛情生活,如同無花果樹的果子漸漸成熟;又如葡萄樹開花放香,作基督馨香的見證,與諸天穹蒼一同地每日每夜述說著神的作為與榮耀。" May your love life grow like the fruits of an unfruit tree ripening, and like a grapevine with its fragrant flowers, as a witness of Christ's fragrance, telling the story of God's works and glory every day and night in all the heavenly realms."

3. "願你倆用愛去纏著對方,彼此互相體諒和關懷,共同分享今後的苦與樂。" May you two use love to entwine with each other, understand and care for each other, share the hardships and happiness of the future together."

4. "祝福你們,未來的路上相互扶持,共度幸福新婚生活!" Wishing you both strength to support each other on the road ahead, and a happy new life together!
