



1. A true friend is like a sunny day after storms, they make you feel happy just being around them. 真正的朋友就像暴風雨過後的晴天,只要和他們在一起,就會讓你感到快樂。

2. A friend is a second self. 朋友是第二個自我。

3. A true friend sticks by you, even when it is hard to do so. 真正的朋友會一直陪伴你,即使有時候這很難做到。

4. A friend in need is a friend indeed. 在患難中結交的朋友才是真正的朋友。

5. A friend who listens and understands is a treasure. 一個能傾聽並理解你的朋友是無價之寶。

6. A friend is the one who knows you when you are down and out and still loves you. 朋友是在你失意潦倒時依然愛你的人。

7. A good friend is hard to find, but once you find him, cherish him forever. 好的朋友是很難找到的,但一旦你找到了他,就要永遠珍惜他。

8. True friendship is when two strong-willed people respect each other enough to understand that their differences make them individuals, not enemies. 當兩個有主見的人尊重彼此,理解他們的不同之處時,真正的友誼就產生了。

9. Friends are like stars; you may not see them, but you know they're there. 朋友就像星星一樣,你可能看不到他們,但你知道他們就在那裡。
