



* 我知道我的生命將屬於一個目的,這個目的也是我所喜歡的。我之所以能堅持不懈地努力,完全是因為我的內心有一種看不見的驅動力。 I know that my life is destined for a purpose, which is also my preference. The reason why I can persevere in my efforts is completely because there is an invisible driving force within me.

* 一個人從小到老,只有兩樣東西是越學越多的,那就是讀書和做人。一個人應該為他的行為及後果負責。 A person only has two things that they learn more about as they grow older, which are reading and being a good person. A person should take responsibility for their actions and consequences.

* 人生最遺憾的,莫過於,輕易地放棄了不該放棄的,固執地,堅持了不該堅持的。 The biggest regret in life is not taking advantage of something that you should have easily given up, but instead, stubbornly insisted on something that you should have persisted in.


* The most regrettable thing in life is to easily give up what should not be given up, and persistently insist on what should not be insisted on.

* I know that my life is destined for a purpose, which is also my preference. The reason why I can persevere in my efforts is completely because there is an invisible driving force within me. This is something that I cannot learn through books.

* A person only has two things that they learn more about as they grow older – reading and being a good person. And it is a person’s own responsibility to take responsibility for his or her behavior and consequences.
