



* 只有用心靈才能看得清事物的本質,真正重要的東西是肉眼無法看見的。

"Only with the heart can one see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye."

* 人們花在保養上的錢,從某種意義來說,並沒有浪費。因為人們可以用這些錢買些花種,當你每天給花種澆水,在花盆裡播下花種,並想像你將看見美麗的花朵,這便是一種幸福。

"The money one spends on beautifying one's self doesn't really cost too much. You can buy flower seeds with it, and when you water them and dig them up, and imagine that they will be beautiful flowers, that is already a joy in itself."

* 那花園雖然有籬笆,但是需要灌溉它。

"The garden needs to be watered, even though it has a fence around it."

* 只有小孩子知道什麼是真。

"Only children know what is true."

* 星星之所以美麗,是因為某顆星星上有一朵看不見的花。沙漠之所以美麗,是因為沙漠上有一處看不見的水潭。

"The beauty of the stars is because of a flower that cannot be seen. The beauty of the desert is because of a well that cannot be seen."

* 也許世界上也有五千朵和你一模一樣的花,但只有你是我獨一無二的玫瑰。

"There may be 5,000 flowers like you in the world, but you are unique because you are my rose."
