


故事標題:The Adventures of the Little Engine That Could

Once upon a time, there was a little train named "Thomas" who worked on the tracks of a big, busy railroad. Thomas was a hardworking engine, but he had a big heart and a big dream. He wanted to go beyond the last stop and explore the vast, unknown countryside.

One day, when he was in the workshop for repairs, he heard a knock on the door. It was a little train named "Eve" who had heard about Thomas' dream and wanted to join him on his adventure. Together, they became the Little Engine That Could.

Every day, they worked together to push through the mountains and over the rivers, never giving up on their dream. They faced challenges and adversity, but they always found a way to overcome them.

One day, they came across a big, steep hill that seemed impossible to climb. But the Little Engine That Could didn't give up. He kept pushing and pushing, until finally, with Eve's help, they made it to the top. They had conquered the hill and reached the other side of the mountains.

From then on, they traveled through the countryside, bringing passengers and cargo to their destinations. They never gave up on their dreams and always found a way to make them come true.

And so, the Little Engine That Could became a symbol of hope and perseverance for all who saw him. He taught them that with hard work and determination, anything was possible.
