

one another the other造句

使用"one another"和"the other"可以造出以下句子:

"I have two brothers. One is a lawyer and one another is a manager." 我有兩個兄弟,一個是律師,另一個是經理。

"I』ve got two tickets. One is for you and the other is for myself." 我有兩張票,一張是給你的,另一張是我自己的。

"There are two apples here, one is red, the other is a little green." 這有倆蘋果,一個是紅的,另一個有點青。

"Both of them are Mr.White's daughter. One is 13, the other is 15." 這兩個都是懷特先生的女兒,一個13歲,另一個15歲。

"He finished one cup of tea and then asked for another cup." 他喝完一杯茶,又要了一杯。

"Since you don』t like this one, I』ll show you another." 既然你不喜歡這個,我再給你看一個。

"Do you know other students here? There are two girls standing there. One is Tracy, the other is Megan." 你認識其他學生嗎?那裡有兩個女孩。一個是特蕾西,另一個是梅根。

"If you want, you can take another cake." 如果你想的話,你可以再拿一塊蛋糕。

"I know the girl in red, but I don't know others." 我認識穿紅裙子的女孩,但我不認識其他人。

"I have many dresses. One is indigo, another is silver." 我有很多裙子。一件是靛藍色,另一件是銀色的。