

steve jobs金句翻譯

以下是Steve Jobs的一些金句的翻譯:

1. "你要去發現你真正的激情,然後堅持下去,讓自己不斷進步,充滿激情。"

直譯:"You have to find what you really love to do, and then stick with it and keep improving yourself, with passion."

2. "你得相信,即使事情很糟糕,它仍會好起來的。"

直譯:"You have to believe that even if things are bad, they will get better."

3. "活著就是為了改變世界,難道還有其他原因嗎?"

直譯:"We're here to change the world, so what else is there to live for?"

4. "你的工作將占據你生活的大部分,唯一真正得到滿足的方式就是做你相信是偉大的工作。"

直譯:"Your job will take up most of your life, so the only way to truly be satisfied is to do work that you believe is great."

5. "你不能等待事情變得容易,你必須去做一些困難的事情。"

直譯:"You can't wait for things to get easy, you have to do something difficult."

這些金句反映了Steve Jobs的價值觀和人生哲學,激勵了無數人追求自己的夢想和目標。